Glass - the most popular material that is widely used in the manufacture of dishes, decor and finishing materials. Any of us, looking around us, will be able to see not only standard windows, but also shelves, doors, interior partitions and even furniture.

In the modern world, production technologies have long combined the aesthetic side of a product with a practical one, but it is very difficult to surprise such sophisticated consumers. Therefore, those customers who want a certain highlight and exclusivity, come to the rescue of such technology as glass bending, which allows to maximize the boundaries of the use of this material, creating products that are unique in their appearance and shape, which are able to attract the attention of more than one pair of eyes.

Glass bending methods

Today, glass bending technology allows to obtain the maximum range of various forms of brittle material and at the same time it is flexible, while maintaining its strength.

To obtain the specified qualities of glass cloth is placed in a special form, and then sent to the oven. Warming up under the influence of high temperature regimes, the average degree of which is 600-650 °, the glass softens, becomes soft and fills the sample of the workpiece, thus. taking a given shape.

Glass bending
Glass bending
Timing of this stage can vary from 2 to 24 hours. It is worth noting that in this matter one of the priority roles is played by the thickness and structure of the glass itself, as well as the final appearance of the product, which must be achieved upon completion.

Once the glass has formed the necessary shape, it can be subjected to additional treatments, as well as cut and drilled, after which it is cooled. This stage allows to increase the strength properties of the material, i.e. Glass is tempered. The cooling phase occurs due to the strongest compressed air flow, which is sent to the product.

The process of glass bending is a laborious and responsible technology that requires strict adherence to all the rules of the sequence of steps towards itself, since otherwise the product will turn out to be of poor quality and quickly collapse. However, the characteristics of the glass largely depend on the used template forms, as well as on the primary raw materials that can influence the results of the procedure.

In what areas is molded glass used and used?

In modern realities, molded glass is increasingly used in various spheres of human activity.

If several years ago it was used only in the automotive industry, today it is used in interior design and architecture, for example:

• production of glass for facades and roofs;
Glass bending
Glass bending

• production of double-glazed windows and shop windows;

• production of glass partitions of stairs and interior doors;

• production of commercial equipment, exhibition stands, furniture and decorative elements for both interior and exterior.

Molded glass allows you to freely fantasize with the smooth forms of the material to achieve different designs in architecture and design, which are able to impress any imagination with the unusualness of their contours.